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Jdk 1.8 For Android Studio Free Download

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Install Java JDK 1.8 On Windows 10 - Explains the steps to install java jdk 1.8 and setting environment variables. ∟ Downloading and Installing JDK 1.8. This section describes how to download and install Java SE Development Kit (JDK) 8u45 on a Windows system. Since Android apps are developed in Java language, you need to have a copy of JDK (Java Development Kit) installed on your computer first. The latest version of JDK is Java SE Development Kit 8u45.

  1. Download Java 1.8
  2. Jdk 1.8 Download Zip
  3. Jdk 1.8 For Android Studio Free Download
  4. Download Jdk 8 Windows 10
  5. Jdk 1.8 For Android Studio Free Download For Pc
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Android Gradle plugin 3.0.0 and later support all Java 7 language features anda subset of Java 8 language features that vary by platform version. Whenbuilding your app using Android Gradle plugin 4.0.0 and higher, you can use anumber of Java 8 language APIs without requiring a minimum API level for yourapp.

This page describes the Java 8 language features you can use, how to properlyconfigure your project to use them, and any known issues you may encounter.Also see the following video for an overview.

Note: When developing apps for Android, using Java 8language features is optional. You can keep your project's source and targetcompatibility values set to Java 7, but you still need to compile using JDK 8.

The Android Gradle plugin provides built-in support for using certain Java 8language features and third-party libraries that use them. As shown in figure 1,the default toolchain implements the new language features by performingbytecode transformations, called desugar, as part of the D8/R8 compilationof class files into dex code.

Figure 1. Java 8 language feature support using desugar bytecode transformations.

Java 8 language feature support (Android Gradle Plugin 3.0.0+)

To start using supported Java 8 language features,update the Android pluginto 3.0.0 (or higher). After that, for each module that uses Java 8language features (either in its source code or through dependencies),update the module's build.gradle file, as shown below:

When building your app using Android Gradle plugin 3.0.0 and higher, the plugindoes not support all Java 8 language features. The following language featuresare now available on any API level:

Java 8 language featureNotes
Lambda expressionsNote that Android does not support the serialization of lambda expressions.
Method references
Type annotationsType annotation information is only available at compile time, and not at runtime. Also, the platform supports TYPE in API level 24 and below, but not ElementType.TYPE_USE or ElementType.TYPE_PARAMETER.
Default and static interface methods
Repeating annotations

In addition to the Java 8 language features above, plugin versions 3.0.0and later extend support fortry-with-resources to all Android API levels.

Desugar currently doesn't supportMethodHandle.invoke orMethodHandle.invokeExact.If your source code or one of your module dependencies use one of these methodsyou need to specify minSdkVersion 26 or higher. Otherwise, you get thefollowing error:

In some cases, your module may not be using the invoke or invokeExactmethods even when they're included in a library dependency. So, to keep usingthat library with minSdkVersion 25 or lower,enable code shrinking to removeunused methods. If that doesn't work, consider using an alternative library thatdoesn't use the unsupported methods.

Java 8+ language features desugaring that is available from Android GradlePlugin 3.0.0 does not make any additional classes and APIs (such*) available for use on older Android releases. Support forpartial Java API desugaring is available from Android Gradle Plugin 4.0.0 orhigher and is described in the following section.

Java 8+ API desugaring support (Android Gradle Plugin 4.0.0+)

If you're building your app using Android Gradle plugin 4.0.0 or higher, theplugin extends support for using a number of Java 8 language APIs withoutrequiring a minimum API level for your app.

Download Java 1.8

This additional support for older platform versions is possible because plugin4.0.0 and higher extend the desugaring engine to also desugar Java language APIs.So, you can include standard language APIs that were available only inrecent Android releases (such as java.util.streams) in apps that support olderversions of Android.

The following set of APIs are supported when building your app using AndroidGradle plugin 4.0.0 or higher:

  • Sequential streams (
  • A subset of java.time
  • java.util.function
  • Recent additions to java.util.{Map,Collection,Comparator}
  • Optionals (java.util.Optional, java.util.OptionalInt andjava.util.OptionalDouble) and some other new classes useful with the aboveAPIs
  • Some additions to java.util.concurrent.atomic (new methods onAtomicInteger, AtomicLong and AtomicReference)
  • ConcurrentHashMap (with bug fixes for Android 5.0)

For a complete list of supported APIs, visitJava 8+ APIs available through desugaring.

To support these language APIs, the plugin compiles a separate DEX filethat contains an implementation of the missing APIs and includes it in your app.The desugaring process rewrites your app's code to instead use this library atruntime.

To enable support for these language APIs on any version of the Android platform,update the Android pluginto 4.0.0 (or higher) and include the following in your module's build.gradlefile:

Which Java JDK should I install for the use of Android Studio

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I want to install Android Studio and I saw that it is recommended to also install the Java JDK. The thing that I don't understand is that a lot of people are recommending the Java SE Development Kit 8 but the latest one is 13. Why would I use 8 instead of 13? Can anyone tell me the exact version of JDK that should be used for Android Studio?

Thanks in advance.

The official doc says:

Set the JDK version

A copy of the latest OpenJDK comes bundled with Android Studio 2.2 and higher, and this is the JDK version we recommend you use for your Android projects. To use the bundled JDK, do the following:

  1. Open your project in Android Studio and select File > Project Structure in the menu bar.
  2. In the SDK Location page and under JDK location, check the Use embedded JDK checkbox.
  3. Click OK.

So there is no need to install a standalone JDK if you are not planning to do Java Devs other than Android App.

Android basics #2, Be careful to download JDK and not JRE.) Once the JDK installer is done downloading, run it to install JDK on your system. You can use all of the Step 1. Install Oracle Java Development Kit ('JDK') Since Android apps are written in Java, you will need the Oracle Java compiler and libraries on your system. These are collectively called the Java Development Kit or 'JDK' for short.

Jdk 1.8 Download Zip

You can use Java 8 or java 7 for the android studio 3 or later versions. I was having some problem with java 13 . After some research i found it , Android Studio 3.0 and later supports all Java 7 language features and a subset of Java 8 language features

Jdk 1.8 for android studio free download

Jdk 1.8 For Android Studio Free Download

Hope it helps :)

Which JDK version is the latest supported by Android Studio , Back in the early versions of Android, developers had to use Eclipse to develop (or Java), you'll need to install the Java Development Kit (JDK) as well. The main focus of this post will be the SDK, since installing Android A copy of the latest OpenJDK comes bundled with Android Studio 2.2 and higher, and this is the JDK version we recommend you use for your Android projects. To use the bundled JDK, do the following: Open your project in Android Studio and select File > Project Structure in the menu bar.

Android is behind the Java development.

It uses most of Java 7's features with some features of Java 8 (like click listeners using lambdas).

To make Android Studio 'understand' Java 8, you have to add the following options to your app's build.gradle android section:

So, if you would like to be able to copy-paste code from your java applications to Android ones, it is better to stick to Java 8.

Android Studio, The version of the JDK that it uses to get the Java compiler from app bundle, Mac OSX should automatically pop up a dialog offering to install Java for you. My School has restricted the installation of the JDK but they installed the following: JRE (Java Runtime Environment) NetBeans; Eclipse; I want to install Android Studio and develop apps on their computers. I can install the software successfully but Android Studio won't accept the JRE, it needs to know where the JDK is.

1. Installing the Android SDK and Prerequisites, One can use IDEs other than Eclipse in Android software development, and SDK tools and other plug-ins, and Eclipse is the most widely used Java IDE, but There was a time when downloading the latest Java Development Kit (JDK) was a necessary pre-requisite for Android develpoment. Today, an open JDK comes baked into Android Studio, reducing the

Do I need Java JDK for using Android Studio?, Learn how to install Android development tools so that you can develop hybrid that you install with Android Studio to build an Android application package (APK​) SDK that is installed by Android Studio and the Java SE Development Kit 8. Android Studio requires JDK 7/JDK 6 so simply You can't use JDK 8. Look for more information Download Android Studio and SDK Tools. System Requirements for different Operating system is 25.7k views · View 9 Upvoters

Installing Android Studio, Before installing Android SDK, you need to install Java Development Kit (JDK). Launch Android Studio ⇒ It will run the 'setup' wizard for the first launch. Once you have the Android SDK and NDK installed, you may then have to download and install the Java JDK. By default, Android Studio comes with its own version of the JDK, which should be fine to use, but if you are using the Command Line Tools or wish to use a specific JDK version then you will need to install it separately.


Download Jdk 8 Windows 10

  • where did you saw the recommendation?
  • In my case I had an error for two days on SSL connection of gradle when I tried to sync proeject. The error was 'SSL Peer Shut down incorrectly'. When I changed to use my pre-installed JDK (to be the same JDK which is used by gradle deamon), This error was solved.
  • Do you use any self-hosted service which uses a self-signed certificate?

Jdk 1.8 For Android Studio Free Download For Pc

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